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AFAA is a public, non-profit organization established to preserve, promote, and enhance Filipino culture through education and cultural arts, and to provide community assistance and recreation for those living in Austin, Texas and surrounding areas.   AFAA looks forward to serving the Filipino community through charitable work, support services, and love for our culture.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of AFAA.  We are a 100% volunteer-driven organization.  All the events, activities, classes, are made possible with the valuable contributions of our officers, Board of Directors, and you.  To help AFAA continue to provide to our local community we need volunteers.  Get involved and fill out our volunteer form today!


Through cultural events, educational programs, and community outreach, we strive to create an inclusive environment where traditions are honored and new connections are made. We are excited to continue our impactful programs, including cultural festivals, youth workshops, and community support initiatives. However, none of this would be possible without the generous support of community partners and donors like you. All donations are tax deductible.

OFFICERS (2024-2025)

President Jose Leonidas R. “Bong” Dejillo

Vice President North Marie Gonzalez

Vice President South Tonee Sinsay-Carpio

Secretary John Leonard B. Dejillo

Treasurer Vienna Michaelsen

Auditor Edsel Bonane

Public Relations Mahria Rubina Moak

Sergeant-at-Arms Catherine Dolz


PNA ATX (Philippine Nurses Association), Noravil Tamayo

FYP - Filipino Young Professional, Jenn Penano

FACC - Filipino American Catholic Community, Renan-Nante Evangelista

Philippine American Chamber of Commerce Austin Texas, Joyce Mesina Garcia

AFAA Dance Group, Maritess Johnston

AFAA Youth Group, Dr. Hanzy Bustamante

FEAST Central Texas, Sharon Rico

TPOG - Tropang Pinoy Original Group, Atty. Felicito Guiyab

2000 Hail Mary Prayer Warrior, Chary Borromeo

River Life Chuch, Rela Manigsaca

UT FSA (2023 -2024) -  Samantha Navarro


Susan Fifer

Maritess Johnston

Gerry Villaverde

Shanni Ponce

Atty Felicito "Bebot" Guiyab


Sharlane G. Lagcao, Education (Tagalog Beginner Class)

Jenny Lyn Jabile-Elison, Education (Tagalog Intermediate Class)


Atty Felicito "Bebot" Guiyab

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